Remembering the CWGF in your Will

Only together can we keep their stories alive

The sacrifice made by so many in the two World Wars must never be forgotten. By including a gift in your Will to the CWGF you can help us ensure their story is heard for generations to come through exciting projects such as the Eyes On Hands On programme and our Interns programme and other CWGF Projects.

If you're thinking about leaving us a gift in your Will and would like to know a little more about the process and about the impact your donation could have, we'd love to hear from you. You can get in touch with us by calling Harriet on: 01628 507278 or email:

*please note we cannot give legal advice

If you are writing a new Will, here are some steps you may find useful

If you are writing a new Will, here are some steps you may find useful

  1. Make a list your possessions
  2. Tot up what you think they are worth
  3. Think if you would like to include any gifts for friends and family
  4. Are there any causes that are close to your heart that you would like to include a gift to
  5. Choose an Executor, who will be able to carry out your wishes
  6. Find a Solicitor or professional Will writing service to draw up your Will
If you are amending an existing Will… did you know?

If you are amending an existing Will… did you know?

If you already have a Will and wish to make a small amendment or update, you can do this without rewriting the full thing. Instead, you can amend it with a document called a Codicil.

This document serves as an appendix to your Will.

Types of gifts you can include in your Will

Types of gifts you can include in your Will

Residuary: this type of gift is a percentage or the whole of what remains of someone’s Estate once all other payments have been settled.

Pecuniary: this type of a gift is a fixed sum of money.

Specific: this type of gift can be an item or a possession such as jewellery or a book collection