10 reasons to become a CWGF volunteer

Volunteering brings big benefits for everyone who does it. From young people looking to enhance their life skills, to adults with time to spare, or retirees looking to help their community, there’s something for everyone to enjoy.

Here are ten great reasons why you should think about volunteering with the Commonwealth War Graves Foundation.

Why should you become a volunteer?

Connect with your local history

Two children hold sunflowersMany of our projects are all about exploring and telling the stories of our local history. We’re lucky in the UK that our heritage is all around us. Did you know the Commonwealth War Graves Commission, looks after 160,000 headstones in the United Kingdom alone? Our volunteer projects will help you get out in your local area and help you learn more about the people from there.

Learn new skills

Every day is a chance to learn something new. You’ll certainly be able to pick up a whole host of new, practical skills as a CWGF volunteer. Whether that’s horticultural and maintenance tips from helping us look after our war graves you can take back to your garden or enhancing your public speaking and engagement know-how, our projects offer many great options for personal advancement. Learn those new skills!

Enjoy new experiences

Eyes On, Hands On volunteers clean a headstone.When was the last time you rolled up your sleeves and got involved in a big group project or shared your knowledge with a captive audience? Capture and enjoy new experiences and get out of your comfort zone by taking part in a Foundation event. Why not become a guest speaker and help us spread the stories of the war dead we help commemorate?

Boost your health and wellbeing

According to research undertaken by the Mayo Clinic, volunteering can actually lead to a healthier, happier life. Spending time in the service of others can be paid back with feelings of appreciation and meaning. Reduced stress, and a decrease in physical and mental health problems, such as heart disease, depression, strokes, or anxiety, are all some of the positive side effects of volunteering. It’s simple: when you help others, you feel better about yourself!

Support a cause you believe in

We are all history lovers at the Commonwealth War Graves Foundation. Our volunteers are too. Each and every one helps us with our mission: to tell the stories of the men and women we commemorate. If you’re a history lover with a passion for uncovering new facts and tales from your local area, come and explore your options with us.

Grow your social circle

Eyes on Hands on volunteersVolunteering is great for your social life. If you’re volunteering to take part in one of our projects, you’ll be meeting with like-minded history enthusiasts. You’ll meet people from all walks of life too, helping you make new friends and connections. Find a new best friend, maybe even a future business partner, or strike up conversations that could really change your life.

Make an impact

As a Foundation volunteer, you can help make a real impact on your local area. For example, over 94,000 Commission headstones have been inspected, and a further 14,000, have been cleaned or restored, by our Eyes On, Hands On volunteers. Their help ensures the headstones are in great condition while also meaning full-time Commission maintenance team’s resources can be properly allocated.

Even taking part in a pop-up event will be spreading the word of what we do and making an important impact too!

Enhance your CV

This is one for the job seekers out there. Employers love to see volunteer experience on CVs. It shows you’re committed to a cause, believe in something, and are will to take part to help further that goal. It may even help with university or college applications for our younger history enthusiasts.

It’s fun!

CWGF guest speaker giving a talk.Last, but certainly not least, volunteering is fun! Very few things in life are as fulfilling as knowing you’re making a difference. There’s a pride and satisfaction in knowing you’re making an impact with the volunteer work you’re doing alongside people that are just as passionate as you are.

Volunteer with the Commonwealth War Graves Foundation

There are plenty of options for history lovers looking to give back to their local communities with us here at the CWGF, including:

If you’ve been inspired by the above and would like to volunteer with us, please head over to the Volunteer page. We look forward to hearing from you!

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